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Dettachable City 

Dettachable City

Social Inner City Housing

3rd Year

Gentrification and the displacement of urban poor is a major contributor to social injustice in the City of Johannesburg, South Africa. Although there is a common consensus amongst space makers that the need to address socio-spatial inequalities is crucial, little or no emphasis has been put on the inner city. Johannesburg City currently consists of several Abandoned Buildings (or bad buildings) and numerous homeless people. To the naked eye, the solution seems a simple one, why not house the Homeless in abandoned buildings and create a symbiosis?                                                                                                                            With a majority of these abandoned buildings being owned by private entities whose long-term ambitions are to transform these buildings into profitable spaces, the State cannot simply provide these buildings as sustainable housing solutions. The project, DE(attach)ABLE CITY, aims to seamlessly create the connect between Abandoned Buildings and Homeless people by creating a beneficial solution for both Building Owners and The People.




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