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Take Away Spaces


Take Away Housing

“The lack of affordable housing in South Africa is a well-documented problem. The housing backlog reportedly stands at 2.3 million houses and is growing by around 178 000 houses a year. Neither the public nor the formal private sector appears to be able to close this gap.”


The root of the Housing shortage is deeply entrenched in South Africa's political history. Strict social engineering disadvantaged black South African citizens, and it's effect on housing has compounded over the years. The post apartheid government has embarked on creating housing programs to address the issue but faces many challenges. Time frames for service delivery and the rising of building costs sits at the summit of the issue.


The 'Take Away Housing' project aims to provide low cost housing quickly.


'Take Away Housing' combines sustainable and economic design to provide low cost housing. This model involves the up-cycling of industry by-products, to provide a home that is built in a week, on a trailer and carted to site.


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